Chronicle of a passion by Akira Mizubayashi

A fascinating book, full of detail and emotion, about the life of a dog and the love of their owners.

A book that leaves marks by the poetic form as written and the amount of resentful emotions. A book that I will surely keep the memory and heart.


Book extract:

“In a cupboard which we made ​​a sanctuary that doesn’t resemblance to a sanctuary and home discreetly some unforgettable and unforgotten souls, there is a small lacquered wood tea powder box. It contains a small portion of my father ashes I took from his urn before he goes to the grave. When I prepared this box mortuary, eighteen yeras ago , I dared to take a pinch of bone crumbs to taste.
Soon, I think I’ll do as much as I did but for Melody which I always keep the urn next to me on the exact location of his mattress. I will got another lacquered wood box to put a few spoonfuls of powdered bone and part of the scapula or ribs. The rest will be spread in the garden or elsewhere to return to earth.”


Japanese writer and translator, Akira Mizubayashi was born in 1952.
After studying at the National University of foreign languages ​​and cultures of Tokyo (Unalcet), he left for France in 1973 and follows the Paul Valéry University of Montpellier teacher training to become a teacher of French (foreign language).

He returned to Tokyo in 1976, is a master of modern literature, and in 1979 returned to France as a student of the Ecole Normale Superieure.
Since 1983, he taught French in Tokyo, successively at Meiji University in the Unalcet and, since 2006, at Sophia University

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